Saturday, January 5, 2008

There's A Mouse In The House Part Deux~Mouse 1 Us 0

No phone calls today, I thought things were looking up. But, when we got home DAM is still camped out on the couch and said she saw the mouse several times today. She's not eating, not even her beloved ice cream. The mouse has gotta go! She's just an itty bitty thing, she'll dry up and blow away. We put several traps out but obviously this is a smart mouse. With our luck he probably escaped from some testing laboratory and was given some super drug to make him smart. I guess I'll treat myself to a glass of wine and set up for mouse watch! And woo hoo, tomorrow's our day off. A whole day to spend mouse hunting!


Joy said...

Would you like to borrow Marguerite? She's one desperate housecat!

Cristine's Story said...

Boy, first Bob and now Marguerite! Maybe I should bring Bob home and he could scare the mouse to death! Or maybe DAM! hehe

michelle said...

Ohh wow! DAM has you on your toes again! I hope you find the little critter that has her upset! :) Good luck!

Joy said...

Wow, I was thinking the same thing . . .great minds, you know!