Friday, March 28, 2008

Hmmmm...this is where I am right now


Function: noun Date: 1686
1: a road that crosses a main road or runs cross-country between main roads 2 usually plural but singular or plural in construction

a: the place of intersection of two or more roads

b: a small community located at such a crossroads

c: a crucial point especially where a decision must be made

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So, this is what it feels like...

to feel good again. If you have seen me lately you probably noticed that I wasn't feeling too good. I first wrote it off to allergies. Then it moved to my asthma bothering me a little bit. Next I thought it was the cold that Jennifer brought to work. And I was probably right on all three counts. What I didn't realized is what it could turn into until I went to see my doctor yesterday. A chest x-ray, four prescriptions later, and a somewhat good nights sleep and I have awakened feeling better. Is it possible...that fast? I'm sure I'm not 100% by any stretch but I am so much better. Diagnosis ~ bronchial pneumonia and asthma. Treatment ~ antibiotics, steroids, inhaler, and kick ass cough medicine that can only be taken at bedtime!

The relatives have left with the only casuality being DAM smacking the tree. Boyfriend, hereby known as JD, will never live that down. Oh, and one minor casuality... SIL put laundry detergent in a water bottle so she could do laundry at their motel. Forgot that it was detergent and took a big swig! Another Kodak moment lost!

We did sit down and talk about my concerns for DAM. Conclusion...DAM will never have a conversation about where she wants to be buried, her directives, her feelings about where she wants to live when I can't take care of her anymore and so on. None of my questions got answered, except I now know that DH's siblings know where I stand and will back me! And, I now know that my personality (and DH's) is completely different from theirs. We are the fixers of all things and that must, must, must, come to a screeching halt!

Here's to a good day and lots of medication!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Here's a quick visual for you...

Dear SIL and boyfriend took DAM to the Botanical Gardens today. Not a good move. DAM doesn't like desert flora. She's a California girl and thought she would be seeing GARDENS!
She wanted to come straight home but boyfriend insisted they stay. Here's the visual...

Boyfriend pushing wheelchair

Boyfriend stops pushing wheelchair and DAM says just leave me here

Boyfriend doesn't set brake on wheelchair and walks away

DAM is found crashed into tree

Trip to first aid center and home again

SIL off to pharmacy to get necessary medical supplies so DAM's leg bandages can be changed when necessary. Do you think she will stay for that? I don't think so. How nice to come and visit and get to just drive away!

But isn't the visual priceless? Oh to have been there with a camera!

Monday, March 17, 2008

You're right...

I have been AWOL for way too long. Dear Aunt Myrna (DAM) has been pretty normal (that may be pushing it a bit) but, for the most part nothing earth shaking has happened. Maybe it's all of the rain we got. But, I see this changing soon. Why? Because the family is descending upon us starting this Wednesday. Family, meaning DH's older brother, and his sister who I have not seen since her last excursion to AZ to tell me what I needed to be doing for DAM. That didn't go over too well with me, hence we haven't talked since. I'm sure she'll be full of advice this trip. Maybe she'll deliver it to her dear little brother! So, do you think I could be so lucky to have a little mouse appear soon? I'm just thinkin...

The turtles are fine. Getting bigger. Hopefully they'll grow to the legal size before I get caught with them. Who knew, that you can't own a turtle in AZ unless it's shell is at least 4 inches!

So, here's to visiting family, mice, and disguised turtles!