Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thought I would share this...

This means my son-in-law should be home by Christmas!

This is just one of the banners that my daughter is working on. This will be hung somewhere near the base where the buses will bring them back. Can't wait to see what she does for the banner at home. This has been a real learning experience for her. This is the first time that she didn't come home during a deployment. She has gained a ton of independence. Some of which I'm sure she will gladly hand over to DH when he gets home, like mowing the lawn, well that won't be for awhile since they live in Colorado and I'm sure have snow by now. Ahh, diapers! I think he gets of diaper changing duty!

Anyway, I am excited for this to be over for them. Fourteen months is way too long for a husband and daddy to be away.

1 comment:

Joy said...

This is wonderful news!