Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Darn camera!

I hate it when I forget my camera. This would have been a great shot. I got home and the most important thing in the world needed to be taken care of...DAM needed ice. You have no idea what we go through with the ice situation in this house. Granted, we live in Arizona, it is November and still 90 degrees today (what's up with that?) but come on, there is a water cooler right there in her living space. It produces cold water with the push of a button. Maybe she needs to hear the tinkling of ice in her glass. But, then again, couldn't you put ice in your glass, go to the water cooler and put ice cold water over ice. No, not DAM, too much work. After all they're all of maybe 5 ft. away from each other. So much easier (and tastier I'm sure) to get water straight from the faucet. It's semi warm and of course melts the ice almost instantly!
And there you have it...something to obcess about! DAM needs ice and when she runs out we are never there to get it for her. I'm thinking I need to hire someone to deliver ice to the house. Friggin' rediculous! It really gets me when she asks for ice and then says it's too cold to take a shower without a heater...COME ON!
Well, I guess I got through this without pictures, after all, how exciting is a picture of ice? It just makes me feel better to document it with a picture!

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