Monday, March 24, 2008

Here's a quick visual for you...

Dear SIL and boyfriend took DAM to the Botanical Gardens today. Not a good move. DAM doesn't like desert flora. She's a California girl and thought she would be seeing GARDENS!
She wanted to come straight home but boyfriend insisted they stay. Here's the visual...

Boyfriend pushing wheelchair

Boyfriend stops pushing wheelchair and DAM says just leave me here

Boyfriend doesn't set brake on wheelchair and walks away

DAM is found crashed into tree

Trip to first aid center and home again

SIL off to pharmacy to get necessary medical supplies so DAM's leg bandages can be changed when necessary. Do you think she will stay for that? I don't think so. How nice to come and visit and get to just drive away!

But isn't the visual priceless? Oh to have been there with a camera!


Lindsey said...

I just love reading your blog, I feel like I can relate to your DAM. I have a DAM at home, it is my mother-in-law Fran. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at your story. I can picture the whole scene in my head, too bad you will be tending to her wounds for the next week. Good Luck!

Judy Wood said...

wow, sorry to hear about her injury, but yes, sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words, thanks for painting us that picture...